The 10th Anniversary of A Life of Death: The Redemption

Help commemorate the 10th anniversary of 'A Life of Death: The Redemption.' Laurie Ann Smith, a child rights advocate and popular online radio talk show host of 'The Whole Issue,' first burst onto the scene a decade ago. Smith, on her own personal journey to recovery as a survivor of child abuse, was asked to partner with a small grassroots nonprofit organization based in Michigan to host an online radio show. Smith agreed and began hosting the online radio show 'DTR' with two unknown hosts, Lee Roberts and Donna Kshir. The three would bond and have a lifelong friendship but not before flipping the educational script of 'DTR' to controversial by sharing their own life's experiences; ultimately changing the way people talk child abuse. Smith could easily relate to their audience. She strived and made it her mission to help those whose lives were destroyed by abuse. Later that year, she released her autobiography, 'A Life of Death: The Redempti...