On the watch for child abuse
This came up in my Facebook memories today... so I thought I'd share it with all of you as a reminder to be on the watch for child abuse. - Donna Wednesday started out to be one of the most emotional days of my life. My grandson entered Kindergarten and the thought of him being out of my care for the first time scared me to death. I kept thinking about his safety. I’m the type of parent that doesn’t allow my children to really go with anyone. I have a small circle of family I fully trust, but anyone who knows me knows I question everything and everyone. If the day wasn’t already full of emotions, I received several phone calls, emails and private messages concerning rumors of a couple being investigated for child pornography. My first instinct was anger. How dare they prey on innocent children? My best friend Lee Roberts and I run a non-profit organization, Advocates United for Humanity. We do everything in our power to stop these horrific events from occurring and n...